Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Elena Meza

Sonoma State University; Biology (B.S.)
Undergraduate Student Researcher

Elena has been infatuated with the ocean for as long as she can remember. In this past year she has dove into the vast world of marine invertebrates, focusing her attention on the causes and effects of harmful algal blooms and phytoplankton. She is currently working on the completion of her paper, entitled, "Surfzone Phytoplankton and Oceanographic Seasons" and was a collaborator in the "Synopsis of the Sonoma Harmful Algal Bloom" presentation. Currently she is in her sixth year at Sonoma State University, and has been a part of the Nielsen lab for the past three years.  Elena will be joining Dr. Robert Carpenter's lab at CSU Northridge in the Fall. 

Contact information: mezael@seawolf.sonoma.edu 

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